Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Writing a Date in an Essay

Writing a Date in an EssayWriting a date in an essay can be a challenging but enjoyable endeavor. When you begin your research, it can make you wonder whether your date is interesting enough to warrant further thoughts or if your assignment requires a description of the person.What does your date look like? Does he/she have characteristics that may be listed in the title of your essay, but may not necessarily be a part of the information you receive during the date? Knowing how to write a date in an essay is important, as it will help you relate your other responses to the information you provide.First impressions can be short-lived. Therefore, if you decide to include a date in an essay, you should be certain it is realistic and most people in your life will recognize the address you provide. You should remember that some people will only see the date in your portfolio or student card, so you may want to be concise with the date if you want to retain this detail.In addition, do not spend a lot of time thinking about what to include with the date. Instead, you should go into the research process with the expectation that you are going to take a good look at the information you receive during the date. If you want to maintain the openness of the date, then you should list information that is relevant to the date itself, but it is important that you still consider the subject of the date.What you want to consider in your writing is the event that brought about the date. For example, if your date indicated they met in a bar, then a date in an essay may contain a description of the date, or perhaps even a mention of where the date occurred.This might not seem like an important point, but you may want to consider the names of your two classmates. By including their names, you can keep the information within the original field of a date.Finally, when writing a date in an essay, it is important to remember that your writing is not limited to the actual date. You shoul d be sure to reflect any others pertinent information from your date. It is possible that your date wrote a name, but you have been able to connect the date to the person in question.In the event you and your date were discussing a subject that your date considered to be unique, then you may want to include this in your writing. The basic concept is that you can work with several elements in an essay, and by looking at the date, you can still use the other elements to write the essay. After all, if your date's experience was unique, then you would have a lot to discuss in your essay.

Monday, April 13, 2020

How Do You Write a Research Paper With a Reference Form?

How Do You Write a Research Paper With a Reference Form?Having a reference form on hand for your research paper can make the difference between making the grade and getting by with less than stellar work. An effective reference form can make the difference between an A- grade and the equivalent of a C. Fortunately, this is really not too much of a challenge if you know what to do. The question is how do you write a reference form?Well, the answer is really very simple: the reference form is simply a template for what the researcher should write. An excellent reference form can be used in a variety of different situations - from a job interview to a student paper to a dissertation. And it works best when the reader can focus on the content rather than the form, as it is really more about getting an accurate word count.One of the most common form is the MLA style, which is considered standard by many professors. This format is the most basic form and can be used for all kinds of resear ch papers. It is a brief summary of the research, with a list of sources and an 'author's note' at the end to acknowledge it for the reader.The second kind of references format is the APA format. The APA version of the format is a little more formal, which means that it can be considered to be slightly more difficult to write. But it also provides the researcher with a lot more room to elaborate their arguments and give the reader some additional information.The third format is the Oxford format. The general idea here is to have a shorter title and a few full paragraphs to explain the main point of the paper. The titles are generally longer and it may even be necessary to list the author's name.For those who are looking for a more formal and less basic format, there is the Harvard style. It is slightly more difficult to write since the researchers have to provide a short but detailed bibliography and a listing of all the sources they used. However, the form can also be used to descr ibe the main point of the paper, which means that the reader is more likely to appreciate the depth of the topic.The final format is the informal format. This is a shortened version of the Harvard format and is suitable for smaller research papers and for essays that focus more on describing the details of a specific topic. The goal is to get the reader to take notes that they can read later on, without spending a lot of time explaining the details of the research.The reason why the references format is so important is because it is the reference that readers look to first for details. Without the information that it gives, it is nearly impossible to make good research papers. As such, the first thing that every research paper should include is a reference.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Why I Should Join a Pafrtern College

Why I Should Join a Pafrtern CollegeIn this essay on why I should join a Pafrtern College, I want to discuss one of the very many reasons for me to join a college. This is a very common argument that so many people have when they are planning to pursue further studies. For example, 'I want to go to college and get a degree so that I can go to work and make a living'If I had a college degree, I would be able to start my own business and make more money.'These are very common reasons but most college students are actually right in believing that their time at college would be beneficial for their future. But before we discuss why I should join a Pafrtern College, let us first define what a Pafrtern College is.A Pafrtern College is a high school that offers a science or vocational-technical curriculum. This is very different from the typical high school because it has a good mix of academic courses and practical-technical courses. Many Pafrterns today offer courses that focus on the rig ht skills for job-market training. The 'why' of why you should join a Pafrtern varies depending on your personal interests and on how it will benefit you in the long run.However, the main reason that why you should join a Pafrtern College is that you have the skills to go to college and become successful. That is the main reason why college and jobs are linked, because once you graduate, you will be ready to start working as a professional in your chosen field.Some schools make the point that getting a degree from a high school has many advantages compared to going to a school where you have to study alone. However, if you compare both, a Pafrtern and a traditional high school, you will see that they have several things in common.First, the difference between a Pafrtern and a traditional high school is that at a Pafrtern, the school does not only make a link with job-market training. The students are involved in the social life of the school as well. They learn about other students and their activities. They are also involved in extracurricular activities and student organizations.The main reason why I should join a Pafrtern is that it is a good fit for me and I am happy that it is a traditional school that is setting up this new partnership with job-market training. The students are even encouraged to network with the people around them and their peers. This is exactly the kind of student interaction that will help to build you and your career.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Feminism Essays (719 words) - Feminist Movements And Ideologies

Feminism What is feminism? By general definition, feminism is a philosophy in which women and their contributions are valued. It is based on social, political and economical equality for women. Feminists can be anyone in the population, men, women, girl or boys. Feminism can also be described as a movement. A revolution that includes women and men who wish the world to be equal without boundaries. These boundaries or blockades are better known as discrimination and biases against gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status and economic status. Everyone views the world with his or her own sense of gender and equality. Feminists view the world as being unequal. They wish to see the gender gap and the idea that men are superior to women decreased or even abolished. Carol Gilligan is one woman who has contributed much time and effort to the feminist theory. Her beliefs and ideas are based upon difference feminism. In this essay I will tie the ideas and beliefs of Carol Gilligan with information from our text, the packet read in class and the book, Faces of Feminism. Carol Gilligan is a lecturer and assistant professor at Harvard University as well as a psychologist. She has many theories that deal with moral reasoning and development. In her influential book In a Different Voice, she sets forth the idea that women make decisions "according to a criteria of ethics of care and that men make decisions according to an ethic of rights."(3) In her book, Carol Gilligan also disagrees with Lawrence Kohlbergs' theory, which suggests that "Few people matured fully in their moral reasoning...but women hardly ever did."(2) In her opposition Gilligan stated that "women make moral decisions according to different but equally mature and morally upright reasoning."(2) She feels that women are different because they posses a different hereditary set of values and beliefs. This opposition to Kohlberg's theory was backed by research. Even though there was research done to support Gilligan, it seemed to have experimenter bias. It was not an open or strong experiment and it only observed the actions of the white middle class. This did not give a clear or objective view on the separate criteria of women and men. The views and ideas on moral reasoning and development set forth by Carol Gilligan are those of many difference feminists. Difference feminism is just one type of feminism. It gives a concept that "women should go back to traditional roles"(3) set by society. It also states that gender is natural and is not learned by the society in which one lives. Not all Feminists agree with this theory but there are many feminists, such as Carol Gilligan who agree with this idea that even though men and women are different, they each have their own separate place in society. Difference feminism is "successful because it tells people what they want to hear: women really are different in just the ways that we always thought. ... And men have power, wealth and control of social resources because women do not really want them."(3) This idea of difference feminism sets forth a number of stereotypes. They give feminists and the general public a skewed view of the theory behind the philosophy. In the book Faces of Feminism, feminist theorists were asked, "Do women have to be the same as men to be equal?"(1) The majority of responses were yes. It is believed that in order for women and men to become equal, society must "unlearn and uncondition"(1) the gender roles and standards it has established throughout history. Society and the people in it have set up the basis for gender difference and now many feminists are breaking down those barriers. Carol Gilligans' position on moral development and her views as a feminist, suggest that "women's nature is not something to be replaced, but something to be maintained, indeed celebrated, for the sake both of women and society."(1) This view is tied in with the general definition of feminism, that women should be valued for their accomplishments. Womanhood is important and should be celebrated and praised. On that same note, maleness must also be celebrated and praised. Throughout history men have dominated our culture and now through the work of feminists such as Carol Gilligan, the roles are beginning to shift. There are more women in the workplace and more men staying at home. This idea of gender reversal goes against parts of the difference feminist theory. Bibliography Tobias, Shelia. Faces of Feminism. Westview Press, Colo 1997. Katha Pollitt. 'Are women morally superior to men?" 1992.